About Meridan

We help our corporate clients by providing tailored solutions for their employees. We offer expertise, advice and support on various aspects of pension design and governance. We can help your business manage its risks and liabilities, optimise your pension investment strategies and comply with the relevant regulations

Clear costs

We are open with you about the costs involved in providing our pension solutions.


No obligation meeting

We do not charge for an initial meeting to discuss your requirements.

Specialist advice

Retirement advice is our speciality. We have extensive knowledge of pension regulation and scheme design.

Here to help you

We are a team of experts in pension planning and management. We help companies design and implement pension and benefit schemes that suit their needs and goals.

We have extensive experience and knowledge in the pension industry, and we work with a wide range of clients. We are committed to providing a high-quality and professional service, tailored to each client’s specific objectives.

Client spotlight – Printing Industry Pension Scheme

We are the official advisers to the Printing Industry Pension Scheme (PIPS).  As the appointed advisers we support employers and employees with guidance and advice. Members are encouraged to actively engage in their pension planning in conjunction with us. There are now over 14,000 members in PIPS and over £200 million of pension savings in funds at the PIPS Scheme providers.

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