Pension Scheme design

Is your DC pension scheme right for your business?

Your pension strategy may have been perfect when you set up your DC scheme, but is it still fit for purpose today?

Your company may have grown, your workforce changed, and the pensions market has evolved. Moreover, recent legislative changes will affect how your members can access and use their money.

Don’t let your pension scheme become outdated or ineffective. Take a fresh look and see if it still meets your needs, and if not, find out how to fix it.


We will help you make the right decisions.

Review your legacy schemes

Many DC pension schemes have developed over time, reflecting the company’s different needs and the expectations of various groups of members from legacy funds. This can result in higher administration costs and risks, and unsatisfactory outcomes for members.


We can help you simplify and streamline your legacy arrangements, and design a pension scheme that works for all members, now.

Improve your pension scheme efficiency

Many pension schemes are inefficient and costly, especially after Auto-Enrolment. They also fail to deliver the expected benefits for both employers and employees.

We can help you optimise your scheme to reduce the hassle, improve your investment options, and enhance employees’ understanding of their pensions.


When we design a new pension scheme we think it’s vital to provide governance support, helping to keep trustees and members aware, confident and involved.

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