Auto enrolment

Making auto-enrolment pensions work for you

Many businesses find auto-enrolment a costly and complicated hassle and they don’t see much return on their investment.

They also feel that their employees don’t appreciate it enough, considering the time and money it takes to manage.

That’s why we don’t just tailor the pension fund to your staff, we also make our auto-enrolment pensions easy to run. Our goal is to help you attract and keep good people, and give them security for the future.

Improving pension engagement and compliance

Many employees don’t understand the value of their auto-enrolment pension because they only receive the minimum legal communication from their employers.

However, auto-enrolment does not mean that pension engagement is less important. On the contrary, it is more crucial to educate and motivate employees about their pension choices, from the moment they join the scheme until they retire.


We can help you design and deliver effective pension messages for your workforce.

Simplifying re-enrolment and administration

If you are facing re-enrolment soon, you may be worried about the time and effort it will take to comply with the regulations.


We can help you make the process as easy as possible for everyone involved.


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